
Approach to the inmost cave
Approach to the inmost cave

approach to the inmost cave

The Return Act : The Hero returns in triumph.Ī little over half a century later, screenwriter Christopher Vogler released his book The Writer’s Journey, in which he refined Campbell’s three phases by identifying the 12 steps that make it up.Though they are not necessarily always carried out beat-for-beat, let’s now take a look at Vogler’s 12 steps in more detail and see how the Hero undergoes inner and outer transformation in each one. This opening leg sets the stage, showing the Hero’s mundane, relatable reality. It provides the juxtaposition with the strange new world yet to be discovered.Įxample: Rocky Balboa working as an anonymous debt collector and underground boxer in downtown Philadelphia. Call to Adventure (the adventure begins).This stage takes the Hero out of their comfort zone, confronting them with an unignorable problem. With the stakes of the adventure set, the gauntlet is thrown down for our hero: will they rise to the challenge?Įxample: Dorothy being swept up in a tornado in The Wizard of Oz. Refusal of the Call (the Hero digs in their feet).It’s certainly not always a simple case of our Hero putting on their shoes and heading out the door. Often, they require quite a nudge.Įxample: Luke Skywalker initially refusing to join Obi-Wan on his mission to rescue the princess, only changing his mind once he finds out stormtroopers have killed his aunt and uncle. Meeting the Mentor (the Hero acquires a personal trainer).With the Journeys carrying with them significant dangers far too risky for our as yet unproven Heroes, we are often introduced to a mentor. The mentor ensures our Hero has the tools to carry out their adventure, usually through a mixture of practical training, seemingly limitless wisdom and some, let’s say, carefully chosen words of tough love.

approach to the inmost cave

Although, the mentor can be something as faceless as a map, preparation for the Hero’s next step is still the case.Įxample: Mickey Goldmill in Rocky. The time-worn, but not time-beaten old trainer, who takes Rocky under his wing in preparation for his world title fight with Apollo Creed. Crossing the First Threshold (the Hero enters the other world in earnest.).

approach to the inmost cave

The central conflict has been launched, the theme has been established and the characters are developing nicely.Īs Vogler writes: “This is the moment that the balloon goes up, the ship, the romance begins, the wagon gets rolling.” Our Hero is ready and there’s no going back.Įxample: Stitch crashes on Earth in Lilo & Stitch.

  • Tests, Allies, Enemies (the Hero faces new challenges and gets a squad).
  • Our Hero has stepped into the Special Word and begins getting to grips with their new reality.

    #Approach to the inmost cave series

    Usually one of the longest stages, it makes a prime hunting ground for a series of tests to be passed. Approach to the Inmost Cave (the Hero gets closer to his goal).In this stage, we often are introduced to aliens, enemies, friends and foes.Įxample: In Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Spencer, Bethany, Fridge, and Martha don’t get off to the smoothest of starts when they bump into a herd of bloodthirsty hippos. The stage is all about the Hero’s approach to the most dangerous spot in the Special World, where the ultimate goal of the adventure is almost always located.Įxample: The Death Star in Star Wars. Ordeal (the Hero faces his biggest test of all thus far)ĭescribed by Volger as a “black moment” and Campbell as the “belly of the whale”, this eighth stage is by no means fun for our Hero.Obviously, use of the words ‘Inmost Cave’ aren’t necessarily literal. Their greatest fear must now be faced, bringing with it their biggest test. Survive and they become transformed, and according to Volger, thereby informing every decision they make from then on.

    Approach to the inmost cave